The following are the Terms and Conditions of Service for Spilketon Retail Enterprises ATF The Spikos Family Trust T/A “Tennis Titans”, which we like to call the Rules of Play. All members are required to accept these Rules of Play prior to participation in any Tennis Titans sessions.

Tennis Titans may, from time to time, review and update these Rules of Play, and reserves the right to amend or introduce any rules necessary to ensure the safe and efficient operation and financial viability of its facilities and programmes.



Membership is available to individuals 18 years of age and over, as well as children whose application form has been completed on their behalf by an adult guardian.

Access to the membership will initially be free for the trial period. The free trial period length may vary, depending on the free trial offer at the time of sign up. 

On the day following the end of the free trial period, hereby referred to as the “membership anniversary date”, the membership will bill monthly. The membership will be billed on the same day of each month after the “membership anniversary date”. For example, if your trial ends on the 3rd of the month, your membership will bill on the 4th of each month.

The membership extension is triggered by the payment of each subsequent month. If no payment is made, the membership stops at the end of the following 30 day period.

This membership entitles the purchaser to a full or partial discount on selected sessions offered by Tennis Titans. Some sessions and events may be excluded from this membership. 

This membership is personal, and cannot be transferred or shared.

Termination of membership

A member can terminate this membership at any time.

There is a 14-day termination period, commencing from the time Tennis Titans receives written notice (via email) of your wish to terminate your membership.

If a payment comes out during the 14-day notice period, no refund will be provided for the final payment and you can continue playing until the end of the 30 day period.


Sessions are available according to times stated on the Tennis Titans website

Sessions and instructors are subject to change without prior notice.

We reserve the right to refuse entry to a session or advise a more appropriate session/course if any participant is found not to be of the correct age/ability, or is unable to complete a session/course due to being in the incorrect age/ability group.

Booking into sessions

Members will be booked into either 1 (Single) or 2 (Double) weekly class times depending on the membership selected (Single Pass or Double Pass). Bookings will be made by the Tennis Titans support crew.

Annual Sessions - Glenroy Community Tennis Club

Depending on your choice of membership, you will get access to a certain amount of classes over an 11-month subscription. You are billed an equal amount over the 11-month period, for your selected number of classes.

If you join mid-year, you will be be billed pro-rata for your first year, and then annually for the years following.

We do not bill Glenroy Community Tennis Club customers in January.

Classes commence the business day following Australia Day January 26th and finish Friday 13th December in 2024.

Classes will not run during school holidays or public holidays.

Full membership details will be provided by the Tennis Titans support crew when you select your membership.

Annual Sessions - St Johns College Preston

Depending on your choice of membership, you will get access to a certain amount of classes over an 10-month subscription. You are billed an equal amount over the 10-month period, for your selected number of classes.

If you join mid-year, you will be be billed pro-rata for your first year, and then annually for the years following.

We do not bill St John’s College customers in December and January.

Classes commence the 2nd week of Term 1 and in finish Friday 29th November, 2024.

Classes will not run during school holidays or public holidays.

Full membership details will be provided by the Tennis Titans support crew when you select your membership.

Missed Classes

We do not offer make-ups for missed group classes, because we have allowed for washouts, heat outs and absences in your membership pricing.

You are welcome to attend a class if you miss one, of a similar age and skill level, but it is your responsibility to do so.

Private classes can be cancelled due to illness. Please give us as much notice as possible so we can notify our coaches.

Send us a text or an email if you’d like to attend another class so we can make sure there is room in the class and it is the right level.

Rain and Heat

Your safety is our number one concern.

If the courts are unplayable due to wet weather the coach will declare a ‘wash out’ and we will notify members and/or parents ASAP by SMS &/or email. And when the temperature reaches 32.5 degrees or over, coaching sessions will be suspended until the temperature drops and the class will be deemed a ‘heat out’.

Please do not contact us to see if it is a ‘wash out’ or ‘heat out’ because we have too many members to respond individually. We will notify all members who have a class on any given day only if classes are canceled.

We will also post on our social media pages so please follow us on Instagram and Facebook for updates.

There will be no credits, refunds or make-ups given for missed classes due to washouts and heat outs because we have allowed for missed days in your membership pricing and discounted accordingly.

In extraordinary circumstances, we may decide to run additional classes during either school holidays, public holidays or in January, to ensure you have access to the amount of classes included in your membership.

This is unlikely, as we have added plenty of extra classes to make sure you are covered.

Pausing Memberships 

Members are able to pause their memberships once annually for either travel or illness. Proof of either may be required.

You cannot pause your membership during school holidays periods because your monthly payment takes school holidays into account.

If you have a reason other than those mentioned, contact us and we will work something out.

School Holiday Tennis

We may run school holiday tennis programs at one or more of our venues.

School holiday tennis does not form part of your membership.

Members are currently entitled to a 20% discount off the full advertised price of school holiday tennis. This may change without notice but not after you have booked your program.

If there is a school holiday promotion, members will avail the lower of the two prices, but CANNOT apply the members discount to the promotional price.

Members fees will be charged to their account once we have received in writing your request to attend and the days you will attend.

In the case of a rain during school holidays, we will move from Glenroy to our Preston venue which is indoors.

If you cannot attend at the Preston venue, you will be refunded the amount for the day it was a washout, at the average price you have paid for your days.

E.g Day 1 is $50, Day 2 is $50, Day 3 is $50, Day 4 is Free…. you receive a refund of $37.50. ($150/4).

Photo, Video & Film 

We might take photos or video of you or your kids.

You understand we may film, use video analysis and photography during programs, lessons and events and agree that this usage, including for marketing and promotion purposes, is without compensation or notice to yourself. Images may be used on our website, social media and other promotional material.

If you have any objections, please let us know before your classes begin.

Medical Liability

You’re ok if we help you.

You authorise our staff to act on you or your child’s behalf according to their best judgment in any emergency requiring medical  attention. You also release us from any and all liability for injury or illness and costs incurred while undertaking a program or event with us. 

General Liability

Tennis Titans cannot accept liability for any claims, damages, costs and demands in respect of death or personal injury arising from the use of the facility and our sessions by the customer pursuant to this agreement except insofar as such death or personal injury arises from negligence on the part of the Tennis Titans staff.

Tennis Titans cannot accept responsibility for the loss of or damage to personal property incurred whilst on the premises.

Parental Involvement 

Help us help your child grow.

We encourage parents to stay off the court during your child’s classes. This helps both the coach and student/s concentrate on the lesson, creates independence for the child, promotes a  child’s decision-making skills and builds the student-coach relationship.

If you feel there’s a reason you need to be on the court, please speak to your Club Coach.

Force Majeure 

In the event that a single term, condition or rule of membership is found to be unenforceable, all other terms, conditions and rules shall remain unaffected.

If we take no action or let you off any breach of this agreement or give you extra time to pay or comply, it will not stop us enforcing the terms of this agreement strictly at a future date.

You agree that your first and last name and if applicable, your child’s first and last name, will be shared with either Glenroy Community Tennis Club &/or St John’s College Preston for the purpose of confirming to the club who has access to their premises.

Tennis Attire

No studded shoes are to be worn on the tennis courts at any time.

There is no dress policy for the courts, however, players must not play shirtless at any time.

Children (& adults) are encouraged to wear a hat and have a water bottle with them, especially during the warmer months. You agree it is the member’s (or member parent’s) responsibility to ensure a hat is worn.

You acknowledge Tennis Titans and its staff are not responsible for players wearing hats.

Tennis Etiquette 

Chewing gum & eating food in general whilst on court, is strictly forbidden.

Persons behaving in a manner likely to disrupt the enjoyment of, or endanger other users of the courts, may be asked to leave. No refunds will be given.

Should any damage occur during the period of court usage then the user will be responsible if caused by their negligence. Any damage must be reported immediately to the appropriate member of staff.

No Smoking Policy

In the interests of Public Health and comfort, smoking is not permitted on the courts, club grounds  or clubhouse.

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us.

The data collected from you will not be sold, exchanged, transferred, or given to any other  company for any reason whatsoever, without your consent. The email address you provide may be used to send you  information, subscribe you to our newsletter, respond to inquiries, and/or other requests or questions.   

Commitment Agreement

You’re committed to doing your best.

If you try your best, come along every week and follow our coaches instructions, we’re committed to helping you achieve the best results possible. We can only help members be great if they want to be great!

Please note that these rules become applicable on your first session.